VR | AR | MR
3 min readFeb 10, 2021


REMOTELY becomes a promising option for Medical Device Sales And Training

The 21st century is about evolution and innovation. With neck-to-neck competition in every field, it all comes down to personalised services and ease of usage. This is particularly useful for people in the healthcare industry because high patient satisfaction can lead to a better lifestyle.

Remotely can help simplify the most difficult part of this job - demonstrating and training people to use these devices without causing any inconvenience.

It is a convenient option for medical device manufacturers as well as buyers. There are several ways in which Remotely can contribute to the healthcare industry.

  • More sales in less time
    Medical professionals are bound by time constraints and cannot watch all device demonstrations presented to them. Remotely offers them an opportunity to view the product Remotely becomes a promising option for Medical Device Sales And Training.

The uses and applications of any device can be explained using Remotely’s advanced AR mode leading to quick decision making.

  • The assistance that saves lives
    The Remotely app reduces downtime to ensure that a maximum number of people can extract benefits from a certain device.

“Modern medical devices are extremely useful for vulnerable patients. More often than not, they end up saving more lives than you can imagine. But if these devices are malfunctioning and the team members on duty cannot fix it in due time, the effects can be detrimental. Remotely reduces the chances of such error by a huge degree and makes a smooth transition from dysfunctional to functional devices a priority.”

With Remotely, the expert becomes accessible to you within minutes, and as we all know - every second is crucial when saving lives.

  • Training made easy
    Medical advancements are often so impressive and transformative, that keeping track of every change becomes cumbersome. Remotely helps solve this problem and helps you save a significant amount of money along the way.

Training videos become redundant fairly quickly and may not always empathise with the real conditions of working with humans in fragile conditions. Remotely connects you with people who have the skill, opportunity, and expertise to help staff in-house in a customised fashion. Experts can watch tutorials and AR models of the device using Remotely to better understand the uses and applications and how it may benefit their patients.

Remotely provides a creative solution for several problems faced by the heroes of the healthcare and medical industry.

To know more about how Remotely can help your business, visit remotely.co.in

Image sources:

  1. Medcitynews
  2. Zealer

VR AR MR is an award-winning high-tech enterprise based on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. We employ cutting-edge immersive technology to advance service technician tools, assistance in skills training and provide remote services to Businesses, Anytime, Anywhere.

For more information, visit: mrarvr.in



VR | AR | MR

VR AR MR is an award-winning high-tech enterprise based on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence.