VR | AR | MR
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


REMOTELY is a haven for spatial experts

Affordable housing that feels luxurious has been a dream for many. Fortunately, the real estate and architecture industry have actively listened to the needs of the clients and created several striking projects which have enabled people to live in the house of their dreams.

But has this been an easy transition? A simple answer - no.

To create a visual experience for homeowners, civil engineers, real estate developers, and architects work hard day and night. They must work on a tight schedule to ensure timely delivery, and Remotely can help them achieve this goal more easily.

Remotely’s AR-enabled features allow any developer’s in-house experts to solve a technical issue without physically visiting the site.

Save time and resources 
With Remotely, it is easy to prevent damage caused by weather conditions, defects in workmanship, delays caused by traffic or labour error because the experts can view the problem on-site in real-time and assist workers on the floor by telling them exactly how to fix the issue.

Remotely allows your employees to become a part of the problem-solving process by helping them view the problem area on-screen. With the guidance of your technician, the employee can fix the faulty area. It saves time and resources because the entire operation doesn’t come to a grinding halt because of delays.”

Keep up with the industry 
Integrating Remotely into your system helps you develop projects in a faster and smarter fashion and allows you to stay on top of technical inventions that knock out the competition.

Architecture for all
Communicate with your project manager and help your employees develop the same vision as them using Remotely. Its annotation and notes features allow experts to share every detail about how a design is to be achieved, how problems with wiring are to be prevented, and how the strongest structural integrity can be ensured.

Remotely is an application that comes in handy during every step of the engineering and construction process. From ensuring safety standards to getting speedy resolutions for designing inconsistencies, Remotely helps fix it all.

To know more about how Remotely can help your business, visit remotely.co.in

Image credits: 1 - pepper construction

2 - PHCP Pros

VR AR MR is an award-winning high-tech enterprise based on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. We employ cutting-edge immersive technology to advance service technician tools, assistance in skills training and provide remote services to Businesses, Anytime, Anywhere.

To know more, visit mrarvr.in



VR | AR | MR

VR AR MR is an award-winning high-tech enterprise based on Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence.